In this episode you will hear from Bryanna Barrow, also known as The Beauty Biz CFO, about what Stylists should know about accounting and taxes to increase the financial wellness of their business. She shares advice and recommendations about bookkeeping software, life insurance, and resources to help you get your finances organized. 

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Biography of Bryanna Barrow:

With over 10 years of experience in accounting, taxation, and auditing, Bryanna Barrow has found a passion for helping business owners streamline their finances and pay the least amount of money in taxes. With her close attention to detail and impeccable communication skills, she is able to break down complicated financials and turn them into bite size digestible data for her clients to comprehend. Her passion for education has allowed her to be able to deliver clear and concise information to business owners on a monthly basis in order for them to understand where they are and how to get where they desire to be. It is her mission to help business owners to obtain the life they deserve!

Connect with Bryanna:

Instagram: @thebeautybizcfo
Website: https://www.thebeautybizcfo.com

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Episode 30: What Stylists Don’t Know About Accounting & Taxes
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